Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Chapter 2: ADIB (Air Deployment Integrated Bomba)

1. Adib & ADIB.

On 17 December 2018, a fireman named Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim under official duty was fatally assaulted by Hindu terrorists near an illegally operated Hindu temple in Malaysia. The fireman, who is popularly known as, "Adib" died as a national hero 21 days later. ADIB (Air Deployment Integrated Bomba) is a conceptual design of autonomous symmetrical quadcopter to immortalized Adib the fireman.

2. Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, popularly known as, Adib.

ADIB is designed to be deployed on emergency missions including search & rescue, fire fighting and emergency medical support - the reason symmetrical design is preferred over polarity design. Symmetrical quadcopter can move in all horizontal direction with the same magnitude, unlike polarized quadcopter (quadcopter with front and rear ends) that can only move with maximum magnitude on forward direction. However, ADIB will also be suitable for law enforcement, public transportation, and military applications.

3. A polarized quadcopter can only move with maximum magnitude on forward direction.

4. Adib is symmetrical quadcopter, therefore does not has front or rear end.

5. Adib looks the same when viewed horizontally from front, rear, right or left.

ADIB is powered by 4 electric ducted fans, each with contra-rotating twin-bladed propellers, providing enough thrust to airborne 16 passengers or 1000kg of payloads.

6. A contra-rotating twin-bladed propellers.

Being symmetrical quadcopter, ADIB is capable of VTOL (vertical take-off & landing) and horizontal flight at all directions.

ADIB for Search & Rescue

The standard ADIB is equipped with water cannon, a storage tank and standard telescopic water inflow tube with a pump. The water source can be a lake, a river or a pond. To ensure no solid materials are pumped up with the water, the pump at the end of the inflow tube is equipped with filter. After the tank is full, the water can be shot at targets on fire using the water cannon. There is also a door on the floor, where a rope ladder can be extended from. 

7. The standard ADIB has a water canon, a storage tank, a telescopic water inflow tube with pump and a door on the floor with rope ladder.

ADIB for Fire Fighting

Being quadcopter, ADIB can positioned itself directly above fire. To further enhance the effectiveness of ADIB as airborne fire fighting platform, ADIB can carry ADEBs (Air Drop Extinguishing Bomb)s. ADEBs are fitted in 4 magazines with each magazine accommodates 2 rows of 5 ADEBs, enabling each ADIB carries a total of 40 ADEBs. These magazines are installed vertically inside the fuselage. The bombs will be dropped directly from above the targets on fire. ("ADEB" was coined by my friend, Rosedi Che Rose, who proposed it to be installed on ADIB).
8. ADIB with ADEBs.

ADIB for Emergency Medical Support

ADIB can accommodate 4 beds with 2 medical crews and emergency medical instruments to function as air ambulance, or 2 beds with 2 medical specialists and onboard medical operation instruments to function as airborne medical operation theater. The airborne medical operation theater enables emergency operations to be executed while patients are onboard on the way to the hospital. ADIB has 4 doors, but for functioning as 4-bed air ambulance or 2-bed airborne medical operation theater, only 2 doors are usable. 

9. ADIB as 4-bed air ambulance.

10. ADIB as 2-bed airborne medical operation theater.

ADIB for Law Enforcement

ADIB will be very suitable for law enforcement missions as ADIB can tactically deploy SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics), anti-terrorists, and special forces of the police and civil defense organizations, due to being symmetrical quaddcopter.  

11. ADIB in a civil defense color.

ADIB for Public Transportation

ADIB can carry 16 passengers or 1000kg of commercial cargoes and will be very effective for mass tactical air mobility and cargo transportation in the cities. Being VTOL and airborne in the cities, ADIB will be very visible, and therefore will be perfect as a mobile advertisement platform, including for promotion of national and traditional motives.

12. ADIB in songket decoration motive as tactical public transporter. Songket is a traditional Malay motive for decoration on clothes and walls.  

13. ADIB landed. 

For landing, ADIB uses 4 fixed landing gears with shock-absorbers and spherical wheels. The lower part of its 4 doors double as foldable planks, so that wheeled payloads can be wheeled down or up ADIB. The upper part of its doors double as windows when closed.

14. ADIB can comfortably carry 16 passengers. Each passenger is seated on a chair with safety features including seat belt.

As ADIB for public transportation can be assigned to carry tourists, few units of special version each equipped with a dome screen projector can be provided. The projector being linked to a "look-down" video camera projects immersive video images of "under ADIB" on the dome ceiling very similar to the technique being employed at digital planetariums. The onboard tourists will be able to watch the videos of the views below ADIB in real time as ADIB flies above tourist attractions.

15. The dome screen projection onboard special units of ADIB for carrying tourists.

ADIB for Military Applications

ADIB will be very effective for tactical military transport and as airborne gunship and air-to-ground missile platform. The version to serve as gunship and air-to-ground missile platform has shorter fuselage, but longer landing gears.

16. ADIB as tactical military transport. This version is suitable to deploy "stormtroopers".

17. ADIB as gunship with rotatable turret armed with twin electric rotating guns (side view).

18. ADIB as gunship with rotatable turret armed with twin electric rotating guns (bottom view).

19. ADIB as air-to-ground missile platform with rotatable 4 hard points. (sideview).

20. ADIB as air-to-ground missile platform with rotatable 4 hard points. (sideview).

Comparable Platform

A comparable platform to ADIB is Airbus H125 helicopter which has the empty weight of 1174kg and maximum take-off weight of 2250kg, while ADIB's empty weight and maximum take-off weight are 1000kg and 2000kg respectively. However due to ADIB being a quadcopter, while H125 is a helicopter, ADIB has larger cabin and can carry trice (3X) the number of passengers and also can be produced in many more variants than H125 does.

21. Airbus H125 specifications.

Although ADIB can carry trice the number of passengers than H125 does, ADIB is smaller than H125. In length, ADIB is less than half the length of H125.

22. Size comparison between ADIB and H125.

Comparing the maintenance between ADIB to a helicopter similar to H125 is like comparing the maintenance of a 1000cc compact car with a superbike of the same engine capacity. Although the car can carry more passengers and payloads than the bike does, and the car has 4 wheels, while the bike has only 2 wheels, the maintenance of the car is simpler and cheaper than that of the bike.

Wide Spectrum Market

At lest there will be 4 variants of ADIB that will serve a very wide spectrum of market. There will be ADIBs to serve the fire department, police, public and military. Therefore, ADIB is a very potential project for investment from government and private agencies. The Fire & Rescue Department,  Police & Civil Defense Department, and Ministry of Defense are proposed to develop ADIB, while private agencies operating in mass transportation and tactical cargo delivery are proposed to commercially invest in the development of ADIB.

23. The 4 variants of ADIB.

ADIB is actually very modular. Further exploration of ADIB has resulted in LMAO (see LMAO) and MARS (see MARS).


1. The badge of Adib in figures no. 1 is from a public website.
3. Figure 2 is from a public website.
3. The illustration in figure no. 3 is from a public website.
4. The illustration in figure no. 6 is from a public  website.
5. The illustration and specification of Airbus H125 in figure no. 21 is from a public website.
6. The illustration of Airbus H125 in figure no. 22 is from a public website.

Chapter 3: Why600 "Y-Fuselage" Passenger Jet with Futsal Court


ADIB is an official project by TANAH MELAYU to immortalize Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, the fireman. TANAH MELAYU is an "opened group" FB (facebook) page concerning the history, politics and science related to the Malay people. The page is linked @ 

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