Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chapter 10: No 335 CLT (Center Line Thrust) Light Aircraft

1. Comparison between No 335 compared to Do 335: Notice the engines installation at both ends of their fuselages. 

In 2006, I wrote and presented a paper, "ADVANTAGES OF DORNIER DO 335 CENTER LINE THRUST (CLT) AEROPLANE COMPARED TO WING MOUNTED TWIN ENGINES AEROPLANE OF THE SAME CLASSIFICATION AND A PROPOSED DESIGN FOR CLT AEROPLANE" at an engineering conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The most significant feature of Do 335 is its center line twin engines configuration, where one is installed at the front-end and another one is installed at the rear-end of its fuselage. This CLT (center line thrust) light aircraft concept is employing the same engine configuration and therefore is called, "No 335". It has many unique features compared to conventional light aircrafts.

2. Top view of No 335: Notice the transparent canard.

However, unlike Do 335, which is a single-seat ground attack aircraft, No 335 is a concept for 2-seat aerobatic, recreational and training aircraft. No 335 also has its straight wing on the rear and straight transparent canard on the front of its fuselage respectively. The canard is made transparent to improve the view downwards from the cockpit.

3. Side view of No 335: Notice the seating configuration, engines installation, front engine outlet & rear engine intake.

No 335 have seats for 2. They sit in tandem with the pilot at the rear and higher than the passenger at the front. No 335 is powered by 2 electric engines, both rotating 4-blade propellers in contra-rotation for torque cancellation. The front engine has an air outlet below the front seat, and the rear engine has an air intake below the rear seat to air-cool both engines. The fuselage was designed to be in such a way for the smart installation of those seats, engines, intake and outlet.  Another unique design feature of No 335 is its vertical stabilizer which has a length greater than its height.

4. Front view of No 335: Notice the "Stuka-style" wing & transparent canard.

The wing of No 335 is of "Stuka-styte". This is to allow installation of short main landing gear under the wing.

5. Ju-87 Stuka: Notice the design of its wing to allow the installation of short main landing gear.

6. Bottom view of No 335: Notice the transparent canard, rear engine intake & landing gear doors.

No 335 is a "DNA" for my other CLT concept aircrafts, just like ADIB and Why600 are the DNA for my other quadcopter and Y-fuselage concepts respectively (see ADIB & Why600).

The 7 Advantages of CLT Aircrafts compared to Wing-mounted Twin Engines Aircrafts

1. CLT aircrafts are more aerodynamic because they have clean wing and smaller frontal cross section area,
2. CLT aircrafts do not lose their symmetry if 1 engine fails because both engines are on the centerline.
3. CLT aircrafts are safer for emergency landing when 1 engine fails because they don't lose symmetry.
4. CLT aircrafts are more maneuverable because both engines are on the centerline.
5. CLT aircrafts can be built with lower cost because their wing can be lighter and shorter.
6. CLT aircrafts can be kept inside a smaller storage because their wing are shorter.
7. CLT aircrafts have higher rate of survival for ground attack mission because they have shorter wing and better maneuverability.


1. The illustration of Do 335 in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. Figure 5 is from a public website.

Chapter 9: WhyHST (Y-Fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter)

Chapter 11: Matrix Telescopic H-Fuselage Quadcopter


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 9: WhyHST (Y-Fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter)

1. Illustration of WhyHST recently took-off under rocket power flying above an area with a volcano outpouring its lava viewed directly from above at night. 

All the conceptual designs in this book are modular, that is they can be further developed for extended applicabilities. WhyHST (Y-fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter) resulted from a further development of WhySST concept (see WhySST). Basically a pair of rocket engines were added into the rear end of the twin fuselages of WhySST, a centerline MATSABU (Medium Altitude Trajectory Suborbital Auxiliary Booster Unit) is installed below the turbofans and the diamond wing was replaced with retractable canard and wing to produce WhyHST concept.

2. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully extended: This is the configuration during horizontal take off & landing. Notice also the pilots cockpit door, emergency cabin door and main cabin door along the centerline facing upward.

The canard and wing are fully extended during horizontal take off and landing only. WhyHST takes off using twin synchronized rocket engines. As they are significantly separated, but computer-synchronized, the significant separation actually provides stability similar to the stability effect caused by a long wheel based vehicle. The rocket-powered horizontal take off will be adequate in providing lift to WhyHST assisted by the extended canard and wing. As soon as the aircraft is lifted, its canard and wing are retracted into its fuselage to reduce drag as it begins its rocket-powered climb at a near-vertical angle toward its destination.

When an aircraft crash-landed on the ground, the least affected area is the fuselage rooftop. When an aircraft crash-landed in the sea, it may float and its fuselage rooftop may even stay above the water level. During reentry, the fuselage rooftop is also the least heated area.

3. When an aircraft crash-landed in the sea, it may float and its fuselage rooftop may even stay above the water level.

When a space shuttle reentry the Earth atmosphere at an angle, the fuselage rooftop is also the least heated area. WhyHST also perform similar reentry, but with least heating effect because unlike space shuttle that perform such procedure from orbit with very high velocity, this hypersonic aircraft only perform its reentry from a lower suborbital altitude with lower velocity.

4. The fuselage rooftop is the least heated area during reentry of a space shuttle.

Therefore, all the doors including the main cabin door and pilots cockpit door of WhyHST are located on the fuselage rooftop along its centerline. There is also an emergency cabin door between the 2 doors, and 2 more emergency exit doors on both sides of the rearmost seat row. The position of these doors increases the survival rate of the passengers in case of crash-landing on the ground or in the sea.

5. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully retracted: This is the configuration during the near-vertical rocket-powered climb.

6. Side view (top) & rear view (below) of WhyHST with their wing and canard fully extended: This is the configuration during horizontal take off & landing.

WhyHST can carry 100 passengers and 4 crews in a very comfortable seating inside its cabin excluding 2 pilots in a separated cabin, as the area between the 2 cabins is used for the storage of the retracted canard, rocket control system at upper deck and front landing gear at lower deck. The twin rocket engines are housed inside the rear end of both fuselages, and their propellant is housed in the storage between the passengers cabin and the 5 turbofans, which is also where the retracted wing is (the wing is sandwiched between the propellant tanks). 

7. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully retracted: The seats, canard, wing and rocket engines are made visible.

WhyHST climbs until its rocket propellant is depleted at 160km from sea level, but the momentum carries it to an apogee of 200km when the momentum and gravity is at an equilibrium. When reaching this apogee, all the passengers and crews are automatically entitled the "astronaut wings" because they reach space as defined by the 100km altitude, besides experiencing several minutes of microgravity. At this apogee too, the passengers will be able to clearly view the curvature of Earth with black space background. 

8. Bottom view of WhyHST: MATSABU is made visible.

Due to the gravity exceeding the momentum after apogee at the end of the microgravity period, WhyHST executes an "unpowered" reentry. From the start of the near-vertical rocket-powered climb until the end of reentry, the HST is in the hypersonic flight region (with a velocity of > Mach 5.0). During the initial reentry phase however, the HST is not totally unpowered, but its trajectory is maintained by the activation of MATSABU: Medium Altitude Trajectory Suborbital Auxiliary Booster Unit (auxiliary rocket to maintain reentry altitudes between 150km & 50km over a horizontal distance) to ensure it lands at a predetermined destination.

9. WhyHST typical 10,000km point-to-point suborbital flight profile.

WhyHST only ignites its turbofans when reaches 20km from sea level, and descends under the turbofan power supersonically until it reaches a subsonic velocity for conventional horizontal landing. Such flight profile will be able to allow the HST to reach a destination of 10,000km away in 2 hours.

As WhyHST lands conventional under turbofan power, it can land at an airport. However, rocket-powered take off may not be allowed at conventional airport (unless the airport is upgraded to a spaceport for rocket-powered take off), therefore to enable WhyHST to operate from an airport, it can be air-launched from a turbofan powered platform.

If the cabin size of WhyHST is reduced, carrying fewer number of passengers, and the propellant tanks for the rockets are added carrying more propellant for the rockets, WhyHST may reach higher altitude with greater momentum. This will allow the hypersonic aircraft to reach a further destination. And if the destination of 20,000km can be reached, WhyHST can perform an equatorial point-to-point suborbital flight from South East Asia to the Caribbean, maybe from Spaceport Malaysia to Spaceport Puerto Rico and vice versa.

10. An equatorial point-to-point suborbital flight profile from South East Asia to the Caribbean. 

Having the twin rockets at its sides rather than on its centerline enables WhyHST to be power-launched from above the fuselage of a single fin large universal carriers such as Airbus A380 or Boeing &747. Air launch, however will not affect the distance and flight time of the HST.

11. Illustration of WhyHST on top of Boeing 747: Notice the significantly separated WhyHST rockets that enable power-launch from the single-fin 747.

Of course the best carrier plane for WhyHST is Why1000 (see Why1000) because a Why1000 can carry a WhyHST inside its fuselage and safely drop-launch WhyHST. This point-to-point suborbital transportation system is described in a following chapter, "Why1000 & WhyHST Point-to-Point Suborbital Transportation System". 


1. The background in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. Figure 3 is from a public website.
3. Figure 4 is from a public website.
4. Figure 10 is from a public website.
4. The Boeing 747 outline drawing in figure 11 is from a public website.

Chapter 8: WhySST (Super Sonic Transporter)

Chapter 10: No 335 CLT (Center Line Thrust) Light Aircraft


Monday, February 18, 2019

Chapter 8: WhySST (Y-Fuselage Super Sonic Transporter)

1. Illustration of WhySST flying over a high-density populated area: Unlike Concorde, WhySST (Y-fuselage Super Sonic Transporter) is not too noisy to fly above residential area and city.

WhySST (Y-fuselage Super Sonic Transporter) is a conceptual design for "above mach 1.0" version of Y-fuselage passenger jet. The supersonic transporter is shorter than Concorde, but can carry many more passengers than Concorde did. However, much more significant is WhySST is much more economic and quieter than Concorde.

2. Top view of WhySST.

WhySST is economic and quiet, even more economic and quieter than conventional passenger jets because its 5 parallel turbofans are "hidden" between its vertical stabilizers and rear end of its fuselages and above the lower half of its rear fuselages, but below the rooftop line of its fuselages (invisible when viewed from the front and below). Such positioning reflects the sound from the turbofans upward and reduce the drag when WhySST flies, resulting in less noise transmitted to the area below it.

3. Side view of WhySST; Notice the "hidden" propulsion in the bottom illustration.

4. Front view (top) & rear view (below) of WhySST: The propulsion is invisible from the front.

5. Bottom view of WhySST: Notice the propulsion is invisible from below.

WhySST can accommodate 150 passengers in very comfortable seating, 50% more than Concorde did. In an economic seating configuration, WhySST can carry 200 passengers as within the number of passengers typically carried by narrow body passenger jets, but with a speed twice that of those narrow body aircrafts.

6. A seating arrangement of 150 passengers for WhySST.

Since WhySST will be more economic than Concorde, but can fly as fast as Concorde, airlines and special tour companies will be interested to own the supersonic transporter, including companies that manage the haj and umrah (the Muslim pilgrimage). Such a company has ready customers that number up to hundred thousands if it operates globally. A candidate company maybe Tabung Haji the Malaysian government-linked investment company that manages the pilgrimage if it operates globally transferring not only the Malaysian pilgrims, but also pilgrims from other regions of the world to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and back to their countries. Such a company will be suitable to invest in the development of WhySST and operate the supersonic transporter. When out of the pilgrimage season, the SST can be used for conventional flight including rental to airlines.

7. An illustration of Tabung Haji WhySST flying above Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Being supersonic, having wide loading bay and relatively quiet for a commercial aircraft, WhySST will find a role in military aviation. By having a large opening below its fuselage with foldable doors, WhySST-M (the military variant of WhySST) can carry internally and launch a full-size fixed wing cruise missile or UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle).

7. Bottom view of WhySST-M with a large "bomb door"

8. An illustration of a UCAV diving to target after released from WhySST-M.

Having the turbofans hidden from below not only deflects the sound upward, but also reduces the IR (infrared) signature of the turbofans outlets from below. This reduces the probability of WhySST-M to be detected and hit by SAM (surface-to-air) heat seeking missiles, further enhances the capability of the supersonic transporter as strategic bomber.

10. WhySST-M Lutong Hitam (Black Lutong) strategic bomber. The double white stripe is a stealth initiative. Lutong is a species of monkey living in Malaysia. 

11. WhySST-M Nakba (Catastrophe) strategic bomber is to mark the Nakba Day (15 May), the day the Palestinians were expelled from their Palestine homeland in 1948. This is an illustration of Nakba with Palestine flag flying above Masjidil-Aqsa.

WhySST is another great potential of Y-fuselage concept, which will find its market both in civil and military aviation.


1. The "high-density populated area" background in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. The UCAV in figure 8 is from a public website.

Chapter 7: Pushquito Push Quadcopter

Chapter 9: WhyHST (Y-Fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter)


Chapter 7: Pushquito Push GT (Gran Turismo) Quadcopter

1. Illustration of Pushquito flying at noon under the sun, viewed directly from below it.

Push quadcopter is different from conventional quadcopter because a vertical propeller at the rear-end of its fuselage is used for pushing the quadcopter forward. The other 3 propellers which are at horizontal plane, are used to provide lift as in conventional quadcopter. Varying the speed of the side propellers controls roll, while varying the speed of the front-end propeller controls pitch, and synchronizing the speed of the 3 horizontal propellers control yaw. As such, the configuration of push quadcopter allows for better aerodynamic (because only 1 propeller is located at the front-end) and greater thrust (because the thrust is provided by a vertical plane propeller) than in conventional quadcopter, allowing push quadcopter to fly faster than conventional quadcopter.

"Pushquito" is the 1st conceptual design of push quadcopter. It is a 2-door 4-seat GT (gran turismo) quadcopter, meaning it is suitable to travel a significant distance in a significant speed with comfort for 4 people.

2. Top view of Pushquito.

"Pushquito" is a word coined by me, carrying a meaning, "the first push quadcopter and a small one", as the word "Push" describes the thrust provided by a push propeller, "q" represents quadcopter, "quito" represents "1" as the numerical value of quito in Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology is "1", and "Pushquito" sounds similar to "mosquito", a small flying insect.

3. Side view of Pushquito: The contra-rotating propellers are visible in the bottom illustration.

The thrust of Pushquito is provided by a single vertical contra rotating propeller, each with twin blades. The lift is provided by 3 contra rotating horizontal propellers. All the propellers are ducted for better safety. The position of the front-end propeller is low enough to provide an unobstructive forward view to the pilot and the passengers. A single front propeller is an advantage in the design of push quadcopter compared to the twin front propeller as required in the design of conventional quadcopter.

4. Top view of Pushquito: Notice the low profile front horizontal propeller duct.

5. Bottom view of Pushquito with the propellers rotating.

Of course a push quadcopter may have twin push propellers or other type of propulsion including turbofan for greater thrust. In this case, the push units are considered as a unit of propulsion so that such aircraft can still be categorized as push quadcopter.


The "sunny blue sky" background in figure 1 is from a public website.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Chapter 6: MARS (Martian Air Rover & Sampler)

1. MARS (Martian Air Rover & Sampler) in very low altitude hovering over Mars surface.

ADIB (see ADIB) is very modular. I have further explored the applicability and modularity of ADIB and it resulted in a concept for applications of ADIB on planet Mars called, MARS (Martian Air Rover & Sampler).

Martian air is different from that of Earth. It's atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide with pressure of only 0.6% that of Earth at sea level. By this comparison alone, without considering the gravity, the low altitude air density on Mars is equal to the air density at 35km altitude on Earth - the air on Mars is very thin.

2. View of Mars & Earth from an altitude within their atmosphere.

However, since Mars gravity is only 40% that of Earth gravity, Mars air at low altitude is actually denser than that of Earth at the same altitude when adjusted to the same pressure. This is why "aerobraking", the technique of using the atmospheric drag to safely land vehicles from air was successfully used to land various landers on Mars surface - aircrafts can fly on Mars.

3. Aerobraking at work in Mars atmosphere.

MARS the quadcopter will be very effective for Mars exploration because it can travel safer and faster than the vehicles travelling on the surface, as it travels in the air, and also it can land on specific spots for specific activities, roving in the air and sampling the surface - the reason it is properly named, "Mars Air Rover & Sampler".

The top surface of MARS is fully covered by solar cells to provide continuous charging of batteries that power its 4 electric contra-rotating propellers. There is however, a pole at the center that houses a stereo camera for piloting MARS and a communication antenna.

4. Top view of MARS: The top of it is fully covered by solar cells, except for the telescopic pole at the center which houses the piloting stereo camera & communication antenna.

There are 4 "compound-eye" cameras, circular lighting and a robotic arm at the bottom surface of MARS. When at a distance from a sampling site, the cameras provide parallel view of a sample directly below MARS, but at a close proximity, the cameras provide 4 sided view of the sample. The lighting is to light the sample when it is under shade. The robotic arm at the center can can dig into the sample, scoop the sample, hold it, crash it and feel it, and finally transfer the sample into the storage inside the fuselage for further analyses. The samples later can be returned to the sampling site or delivered to the base for collection and more detailed specific analyses.

5. Side view of MARS with its 2 foreground ducted fans removed to make the robotic arm & 3 out of 4 compound-eye cameras visible.

The robotic arm actually has a hand palm and fingers that are very similar to that of human, as such is considered the best hand palm and fingers design for scientific activities designed by human scientist. The fingers can even feel the texture of the sample and there are sensors with low-power lasers at the end of the fingers and on the palm. Therefore the hand not only can pick up a sample, but it can also perform significant scientific analyses of the sample.

The sampling can be done while hovering at a fix point above the sampling site or by landing on the site. For perfect landing and sampling, MARS 4 landing gears are telescopic and computer-synchronized so that it always land horizontally even if the sampling sites may be on a slope.

6. MARS landed on a sloped surface: Notice that its fuselage is horizontal due to synchronization of its telescopic landing gears.

MARS is autonomous as there is not yet a human exploration on Mars. However, as there are planned human exploration on Mars, I have also produced a concept of manned MARS called "MARS-II", described in a following chapter.


1. The Mars panorama in figure 1 & 6 is from a public website.
2. Figure 2 & 3 are from 2 different public websites.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chapter 5: Why1000 Gardenia & Why1000 SMC (Strategic Military Carrier)

1. Why1000 Gardenia & Why1000 SMC (Strategic Military Carrier).

Why1000 is a development of Why600 Y-fuselage concept (see Why600), where the whole area between the 2 fuselages at the rear half of the aircraft is utilized as the cabin. This produced an aircraft with the size of Why600 (the length and wingspan are the same), but can carry twice the number of passengers. However, Why1000 can carry 1000 passengers or 500 passengers and accommodate a garden, which is why the aircraft is named, Why1000 Gardenia.

Not only that Why1000 can accommodate a garden which is twice the size of the recreational futsal court accommodated by Why600, Why1000 also have extra features that are not available in Why600.

Why1000 is powered by 3 jet engines positioned above the fuselage and center of gravity. There is a very large "skydoor", the type of French door right at the front of the engines. This skydoor enables large objects to be loaded and unloaded from above into the area where the garden is, when the area is utilized as the storage for heavy military vehicles, as in Why1000 SMC (Strategic Military Carrier).

There is a pair of body flaps, which is actually the extension of its tailplane that connects the left and right side of the rear wing. These body flaps provide extra control to the momentum of Why1000. There is a large rear sliding door equipped with a foldable ramp. Why1000 SMC uses this rear door to load and unload large and heavy wheeled payloads including tanks and heavy trucks, while Why1000 Gardenia uses it as the emergency "grand" exit.

2. Top view of of Why1000: Visible are "skydoor", 3 jet engines, body flaps, and rear sliding door.

3. Side view of Why1000.

4. Front view of Why1000.

5. Bottom view of Why1000: Notice the rear sliding door.

Why1000 Gardenia

The garden is designed to accommodate almost 40% of the passengers at one time, therefore equipped with the suitable number of seats for safety of the passengers as the aircraft maybe accidentally flying through turbulence when there are passengers in the garden. The availability of the seats in the garden and the long duration of flight, as Why1000 is to fly on long endurance flights, which is above 12 hours (such as between Western Europe and Far East or Eastern Europe and West Coast USA), all the passengers will have the opportunity to enjoy themselves in the garden for a significant period of time (more than several hours, enough for reading a book in the garden to completion).

The grassy floor of the garden is actually astrotuft (artificial grass surface field), but the small trees and flowers in the garden are real, except that they are safely anchored to the floor beneath the astrotuft. There are also washrooms in the garden.

Why 1000 Gardenia is designed assuming that passengers will be willing to pay twice the standard fee for flying (the 1000-passenger mode) in maximum comfort with an in-flight real size garden. The passengers seating in the garden may have their meals and watch in-flight entertainment videos as those seats are the standard comfortable long endurance seats, and the standard cabin services are made available in the garden too.

6. A possible layout of the garden onboard Why1000.

The garden is designed with a purposeful size of 16 X 25m, which is the minimum size of a competition futsal court, so that the garden can be substituted with such futsal court. The idea is to allow a futsal competition to be held in-flight, as if Why1000 is an airborne futsal stadium accommodating 500 people (players, crews and spectators). In this mode, each seat video monitor is connected to the video cameras recording live the competition. However for safety, the aircraft need to fly at a minimum  altitude above 15km during the game to avoid turbulence.

7. The size of the garden is equal to the size of the standard small futsal court. Therefore, the garden can be suitably substituted with a standard futsal court.

My friend, Amzari Abas has voiced out about having an inflight futsal league. For example, the league can be started an hour after the take off and completed an hour before landing of a 14-hour flight. Such league may even be co-hosted by few countries including the 2 countries where the aircraft take off and landing respectively and the countries where the aircraft flies over their airspace.

Why1000 SMC 

Why1000 SMC can carry 12 MBTs (main battle tanks) and 500 soldiers or 1000 soldiers in comfortable seating for long endurance flight. The MBTs can be loaded and unloaded into the storage area through the skydoor using a crane or they can be driven into and out of the storage through the rear door as there is a foldable ramp at the door, and the seats between the storage and the door can be removed (the seats can be re-installed after the MBTs are secured in the storage).

8.Why1000 SMC (Strategic Military Carrier) can carry 12 MBTs (main battle tanks) & 500 soldiers or 1000 soldiers in comfortable seating for long endurance flight.

9.12 MBTs can be driven into and out from the storage area of Why1000 SMC via the rear door which is equipped with a foldable ramp. 

Capability of carrying 12 MBTs is a tremendous improvement over the capability of current strategic military carrier aircrafts such as Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, which can only carry 1 MBT and 3 AFVs (armored fighting vehicles) or 6 ASVs (armored security vehicles). Why1000 SMC will be very effective for large air forces such as USAF and Russian Air Forces or NATO to deploy 12 MBTs and 500 soldiers or similar size payloads in a single aircraft to a distanced war theater.

10. C-17 Globemaster III military cargo statistics.

The revolutionary concept of Y-fuselage makes possible the design of Why1000 Gardenia that can accommodate a real size garden and Why1000 SMC that can accommodate 12 MBTs, without exceeding the gigantic size of Airbus 380.


1. The illustrations of M1 Abrams main battle tanks in figure 8 & 9 are from public websites.
2. Figure 10 is from a public webite.
