Saturday, May 18, 2019

Chapter 14: WhyCLT1 4-Passenger Y-Fuselage Light CLT Aeroplane

1. Illustration of WhyCLT1 flying above Putra Mosque, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

WhyCLT1 is the smallest concept of Y-fuselage aircraft. It is of CLT (centerline thrust) configuration, and carries 4 passengers, 2 each in tandem within each node connecting the fuselages, and a pilot conventionally within the front fuselage.

2. Top view of WhyCLT1.

The passengers seat at 45 degrees to the centerline of the aeroplane as the nodes are at 45 degrees to the centerline. Each passenger seats inside a same universal cockpit with individual canopy.

3. Side view of WhyCLT1.

4. Front view (top) & rear view (bottom) of WhyCLT1.

5. Bottom view of WhyCLT1.

As all the 3 fuselages have the same design and volume, each fuselage accommodates the same landing gear. This maximizes universality of components and results in lower cost and simpler construction and operation.

6. Top view of WhyCLT1 with its propulsion system made visible.

WhyCLT1 is powered by twin engines in CLT onfiguration, rotating a contra-rotating propeller. The shaft of the front engine rotate within the shaft of the rear engine, each rotate contra-directional to each other, providing perfect torque cancellation, minimizing vibration and increasing flight stability. This configuration of positioning the rear engine immediately in series with the front engine also further increase the flight stability because their masses are lumped together instead of separated as in conventional configuration. Positioning both engines at the center between the front end and rear end of the aeroplane also maximize the aircraft stability during flight, take-off and landing.

Chapter 13: LOVEFifty Heart-Icon Wing Inverted Y-Fuselage Tricopter


Friday, March 22, 2019

Chapter 13: LOVEFifty Heart-Icon Wing Inverted Y-Fuselage Tricopter

1. LOVEFifty winged tricopter is to immortalize the 50 people who were killed by a terrorist attack on Al-Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand during the Friday prayer a week before this publication. The tragedy however has been successfully managed to promote love and peace.

On March 15, 2019 an armed terrorist has shot the people who were praying their weekly Friday prayer at Al-Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. The attack has killed 50 people. However, the tragedy was successfully managed with a global collective effort which has resulted in the promotion of love and peace instead of hate and vengeance as planned by the terrorists. LOVEFifty is to immortalize the sacrificing of those 50 people. It is a conceptual design of heart-icon wing inverted Y-fuselage tricopter.

2. The bottom surface of LOVEFifty's wing is colored with "heart" dark blood-red.

To further enhance the heart icon, the bottom surface of the wing and the fuselages which are below the wing are colored with the "heart color", which is dark blood-red. The top surface of the wing however is covered with solar cells and hence is in "solar-cell" blue. These solar cells are to power LOVEFifty's on-board payloads. 

LOVEFifty is inverted Y-fuselage tricopter. It has 3 fuselages fused at a point to produce a "Y" structure with the single fuselage toward the rear. The fuselages are to house the engines installed horizontally or tangential to the plane of the ducted fans. Inverted Y-fuselage however is only suitable for low velocity aircrafts, such as LOVEFifty.

3. The top surface of LOVEFifty's wing is covered by solar cells.

The 3 ducted fans provide both lift and thrust to LOVEFifty. They are powered by 4 electric engines. Each of the twin front ducted fans are powered by an engine. Their propellers are counter-rotating, meaning each fan rotates its propellers in the opposite direction of each other for torque cancellation. The single rear ducted fan which has smaller diameter than that of the twin front ones, have contra-rotating 2 sets of propellers, also for torque cancellation. Each propeller set is powered by an engine, meaning this rear fan is powered by 2 engines. All the engines are computer-synchronize resulting in an optimum net flight behavior.

All the 3 engines are connected to each other by shafts, to enable power distribution and sharing in case any one of the engines fails, meaning all the 3 ducted fans will continue rotating their propellers (with lower RPM) although one engine fails. This is the most significant safety feature of LOVEFifty.

4. Bottom view of LOVEFifty: The 4 engines and the shafts that pass through them are made visible.

LOVEFifty can be flown piloted or unmanned. For piloted long endurance flight, its cabin only accommodates a single pilot seat to ensure maximum comfort to the pilot. For piloted short period flight, its cabin can accommodate a side-by-side seat for a passenger besides a pilot. When in the autonomous mode, the cabin houses a primary payload consisting of high power and high resolution video cameras and environmental and atmospheric probes and sensors. Secondary payloads can be carried inside the cones of the 3 fuselages.

5. Side view of LOVEFifty: The front right engine is made visible in the middle diagram & the pilot is made visible in the bottom diagram.

6. Front view of LOVEFifty.

Muslims believe that those 50 people killed by the terrorists were so much loved by God because they were shot at when they perform their Friday prayer, while the mosque and Friday are the holiest place and day respectively. This is why this heart-icon inverted Y-fuselage tricopter concept is called, LOVEFifty.

Chapter 12: Eagle Y-Fuselage Luxury Jet

Chapter 14: WhyCLT1 4-Passenger Y-Fuselage Light CLT Aeroplane


Friday, March 8, 2019

Chapter 12: Eagle Y-Fuselage Luxury Jet

1. Size comparison between Eagle & Bombardier Global 8000.

Eagle is the most frequently used animal to represent the coat of arms of royal families and countries because of its majestic status among the animals. That is the reason this Y-fuselage aircraft concept is called, "Eagle" too - to signify its majesty as a luxury jet. In term of size, Eagle has the wingspan and length that are almost the same as that of Bombardier Global 8000 large executive jet.

2. Top view of Eagle: Notice the signature arch tail fin and the centerline turbofan.

The wing root of Eagle's main wing is attached to the lower part of its rear twin fuselages, with a canard attached to its front fuselage. It has a signature "arch tail fin" and powered by a single centerline turbofan.

The turbofan is housed inside a nacelle well at the rear of the cabin so as avoid engine's noise to be heard inside the cabin. Being outside and rear of the cabin and also between the rear-end of the twin rear fuselages is a very secured position for the engine and safe for early ignition because the engine is fully concealed from the boarding passengers.

3. Side view of Eagle: Notice the arch tail fin.

Viewed from the side, Eagle's turbofan is not visible, concealed by the twin rear fuselages. The cones of these fuselages are actually the cones of the propellers of twin electric secondary power units (SPUs). The SPUs are purposely activated for economic mode flight or automatically activated when the single turbofan fails. Thefore the SPUs not only reduce the operational cost of Eagle, but also significantly increase the operational safety of the luxury aircraft.

4. Front view of Eagle: Notice the arch tail fin.

Viewed from the front, the signature arch tail fin is very visible. The tail fin not only stabilizes Eagle when in flight, but also assists in providing lift to the rear fuselages due to its unique design.

5. Bottom view of Eagle: Notice the centerline intake of the turbofan.

The intake for the turbofan is at the bottom, but at the same level with the bottom surface. This optimizes the aerodynamics compared to having an inlet protruding below the bottom surface.

6. Eagle with comfortable seating configuration for 90 passengers and 5 crews. The turbofan and twin APUs are made visible.

Eagle can carry up to 100 passengers, but a 90-seat passenger configuration will be a very comfortable one. In such configuration, the aircraft also accommodate 4 toilets for passengers and one for the pilots. Each SPU has a propeller with foldable blades and telescopic shaft.

7. Eagle in a luxury configuration with 2 bedrooms and a meeting room for 19 passengers - a suitable configuration for a royal family or VVIP delegation. The turbofan and twin SPUs are made visible.

The clear advantage of Y-fuselage is the wide fuselage that allows compartmental interior, including bedrooms. A possible luxury interior is to have 2 bedrooms each directly at the front of each SPU. Each bedroom has a queen size bed and a lobby with a secretary workstation. This luxurious interior is only possible with Y-fuselage aircraft. A conventional fuselage aircraft is not capable of it.

Such interior can accommodate 19 passengers, each with a proper aircraft safety seat and a meeting room for 10 people. The safety seats are for the passengers to sit when the aircraft fly through turbulence as each seat is equipped with all the safety features including seat belt, life jacket and safety kit. There are even 2 safety seats inside each bedroom.

Y-fuselage aircraft will promote aircraft interior design. It will provide great opportunity for interior architects to contribute their creativity into aircraft design and engineering for the production of better, more comfortable and safer aircrafts. This will be a significant increment in human factor engineering in aviation.

8. The automatic activation of the SPUs starts with the extension of their telescopic propeller shafts.

When the turbofan fails, automatically the SPUs activate. This activation starts with the extension of the telescopic propeller shafts of each SPU.

9. The blades unfold tangentially to the shafts  after the shafts are fully extended.

After the shafts are fully extended, the blades unfold tangentially to the shafts. This is possible because the extension of the shafts has cleared the blades to be unfolded.

10. The blades are retracted inward and the propellers rotate to produce the thrust required to compensate the lost thrust due to the failed turbofan.

After the blades are fully unfolded tangential to the shafts, the shafts are retracted inward to bring the blades closer to the fuselage to exterminate the drag that might has occurred if the blades remain at a distance. The propellers then rotate to produce the thrust required to compensate the lost thrust due to the failed turbofan. Both propellers rotate at opposite direction for torque cancellation.

The SPUs can also be purposely activated for economic flight mode. However, Eagle can only take off or landing using the turbofan because when fully unfold, the diameter of the blades of the SPU propellers is too big to allow clearance from the runway.  

The concept of electric SPU with foldable blades and telescopic shaft opens up a new operational methodology for aircrafts equipped with such power unit. An interesting methodology is to use electric SPU for nearspace flight and turbofan for lower altitude flight, as electric propulsion is more effective than turbofan at nearspace altitudes. A concept of nearspace RF (reconnaissance-fighter) aircraft powered by a turbofan and twin electric SPU is described in a following chapter.

Another advantage of Y-fuselage aircrafts is they can carry a big logo on top or at the bottom of their fuselages, as they have relatively very wide fuselages. At the time of writing this chapter, my family is waiting for a German high school student who is coming to stay with us for a week on an Italian-German exchange student program, which our son participates. And since the German Coat of Arms is properly an eagle, I colored the following Eagle with the German national color and pasted the German Black Eagle on its fuselages.

11. Illustration of Eagle in German national color with German Coat of Arms.


1. The illustration of Bombardier Global 8000 in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. The illustration of German Coat of Arms in figure 11 is from a public website.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Chapter 11: Matrix Telescopic H-Fuselage Quadcopter

1. Illustration of Matrix increasing the length of its parallel and tangential fuselages.

An advantage of electric propulsion is that the rating of its power (kW) can be changed significantly without changing the hardware, but by just changing the batteries (voltage) only. This is very unlike turboprop or turbofan engines, where their power (thrust) cannot be changed significant by just changing the fuel, unless the physical components of the engines are changed.

This flexibility of electric propulsion gave rise to a conceptual design of an aircraft where the size of the aircraft can be increased significantly without changing the propulsion as the rating of the propulsion can be increased too by only changing its batteries. The most suitable fuselage design for such concept is H-fuselage, where there are 2 parallel fuselages that are physically connected with each other by a tangential fuselage. If all the 3 fuselages are telescopic, not only the length of the parallel fuselages can be increased, but so does the length of the tangential fuselage, and therefore, the separation of the fuselages.

"Matrix" is a telescopic H-fuselage quadcopter that can increase the length of its parallel fuselages and tangential fuselages respectively by telescopic mechanism. The aircraft have 3 size modes, S (small), M (medium) and L (large). The concept is called "Matrix" because it carries the meaning of a transformation from a smaller entity to a bigger and more complex entity.

2. Top view of Matrix: The S (small) mode.

In the S mode, there is no extension in the length of the parallel or tangential fuselages. In the M mode, there is the extension in length of the parallel fuselage via telescopic mechanism. This extension of the parallel fuselages increases 20% of the internal total volume of Matrix. 

3. Top view of Matrix: The M (medium) mode.

In the L mode, the length of the tangential fuselage is telescopically increased. The increment adds another 10% of the internal volume of Matrix, totaling the increase in 30% of its internal volume when Matrix evolves from S mode to L mode, which is very significant. 

4. Top view of Matrix: The L (large) mode.

The advantage of being in L mode is obvious, that is Matrix can carry more payloads. However, there are advantages of being in the S mode too, which is being more aerodynamic (due to smaller cross section frontal area) and more convenient for storage (due to smaller size), which both translate into being more economic.

5. Side view of Matrix: Matrix in S mode (Top) & M/L mode (bottom). Notice the front propellers are not at the same level and overlapping each other.

6. Front view of Matrix: Matrix in S mode (Top) & M/L mode (bottom). Notice the front propellers are not at the same level and overlapping each other.

Matrix is powered by 4 electric engines. There are 2 bigger engines installed vertically inside both the parallel fuselages behind the front row seats, each powering a bigger diameter 4 bladed propeller, and the are another 2 smaller engines at both rear-end of the parallel fuselages, each powering a smaller diameter 4 bladed ducted fan. The 2 front propellers are not at the same level and overlapping each other to increase the lift force by increasing the diameter. They are contra-rotating for torque cancellation. The propellers inside the 2 ducted fans are also contra-rotating to produce a zero value net torque for maximum flight stability.

7. Side view of Matrix: Notice the power-sliding doors (top) & the vertically installed front engines (bottom). Visible also are the seats and the cross section wall of the tangential fuselage, where a 2nd row of seats can be installed along the fuselage.

8. Economic long-seat such as in this photo can be fitted along the tangential fuselage.

Matrix rear doors for the passengers are power-sliding doors with door-size glass window. The passengers sit on individual seats or economic long-seat fitted along the tangential fuselage facing forward and viewing through very generous aerodynamic windows, which allow not only forward, but also downward view. In conventional fuselage aircrafts, such long-seat can only be fitted in such a way that will not allow the passengers to sit facing and viewing forward. Not only the passengers have generous view, they also have generous leg room in the tangential fuselage, as the concept for the passengers is "comfort & maximum visibility". As there are 2 parallel fuselages, and only 1 is for the pilot and co-pilot, there will also be 2 side-by-side seats with pilot-view for passengers in the other parallel fuselage.  

9. The tangential fuselage of Matrix houses generous forward-view passenger seats with generous windows & leg room.

Both H-fuselage and telescopic fuselage are DNAs for my other H-fuselage and telescopic concepts respectively. 


Figure 8 is from a public website.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chapter 10: No 335 CLT (Center Line Thrust) Light Aircraft

1. Comparison between No 335 compared to Do 335: Notice the engines installation at both ends of their fuselages. 

In 2006, I wrote and presented a paper, "ADVANTAGES OF DORNIER DO 335 CENTER LINE THRUST (CLT) AEROPLANE COMPARED TO WING MOUNTED TWIN ENGINES AEROPLANE OF THE SAME CLASSIFICATION AND A PROPOSED DESIGN FOR CLT AEROPLANE" at an engineering conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The most significant feature of Do 335 is its center line twin engines configuration, where one is installed at the front-end and another one is installed at the rear-end of its fuselage. This CLT (center line thrust) light aircraft concept is employing the same engine configuration and therefore is called, "No 335". It has many unique features compared to conventional light aircrafts.

2. Top view of No 335: Notice the transparent canard.

However, unlike Do 335, which is a single-seat ground attack aircraft, No 335 is a concept for 2-seat aerobatic, recreational and training aircraft. No 335 also has its straight wing on the rear and straight transparent canard on the front of its fuselage respectively. The canard is made transparent to improve the view downwards from the cockpit.

3. Side view of No 335: Notice the seating configuration, engines installation, front engine outlet & rear engine intake.

No 335 have seats for 2. They sit in tandem with the pilot at the rear and higher than the passenger at the front. No 335 is powered by 2 electric engines, both rotating 4-blade propellers in contra-rotation for torque cancellation. The front engine has an air outlet below the front seat, and the rear engine has an air intake below the rear seat to air-cool both engines. The fuselage was designed to be in such a way for the smart installation of those seats, engines, intake and outlet.  Another unique design feature of No 335 is its vertical stabilizer which has a length greater than its height.

4. Front view of No 335: Notice the "Stuka-style" wing & transparent canard.

The wing of No 335 is of "Stuka-styte". This is to allow installation of short main landing gear under the wing.

5. Ju-87 Stuka: Notice the design of its wing to allow the installation of short main landing gear.

6. Bottom view of No 335: Notice the transparent canard, rear engine intake & landing gear doors.

No 335 is a "DNA" for my other CLT concept aircrafts, just like ADIB and Why600 are the DNA for my other quadcopter and Y-fuselage concepts respectively (see ADIB & Why600).

The 7 Advantages of CLT Aircrafts compared to Wing-mounted Twin Engines Aircrafts

1. CLT aircrafts are more aerodynamic because they have clean wing and smaller frontal cross section area,
2. CLT aircrafts do not lose their symmetry if 1 engine fails because both engines are on the centerline.
3. CLT aircrafts are safer for emergency landing when 1 engine fails because they don't lose symmetry.
4. CLT aircrafts are more maneuverable because both engines are on the centerline.
5. CLT aircrafts can be built with lower cost because their wing can be lighter and shorter.
6. CLT aircrafts can be kept inside a smaller storage because their wing are shorter.
7. CLT aircrafts have higher rate of survival for ground attack mission because they have shorter wing and better maneuverability.


1. The illustration of Do 335 in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. Figure 5 is from a public website.

Chapter 9: WhyHST (Y-Fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter)

Chapter 11: Matrix Telescopic H-Fuselage Quadcopter


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 9: WhyHST (Y-Fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter)

1. Illustration of WhyHST recently took-off under rocket power flying above an area with a volcano outpouring its lava viewed directly from above at night. 

All the conceptual designs in this book are modular, that is they can be further developed for extended applicabilities. WhyHST (Y-fuselage Hyper Sonic Transporter) resulted from a further development of WhySST concept (see WhySST). Basically a pair of rocket engines were added into the rear end of the twin fuselages of WhySST, a centerline MATSABU (Medium Altitude Trajectory Suborbital Auxiliary Booster Unit) is installed below the turbofans and the diamond wing was replaced with retractable canard and wing to produce WhyHST concept.

2. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully extended: This is the configuration during horizontal take off & landing. Notice also the pilots cockpit door, emergency cabin door and main cabin door along the centerline facing upward.

The canard and wing are fully extended during horizontal take off and landing only. WhyHST takes off using twin synchronized rocket engines. As they are significantly separated, but computer-synchronized, the significant separation actually provides stability similar to the stability effect caused by a long wheel based vehicle. The rocket-powered horizontal take off will be adequate in providing lift to WhyHST assisted by the extended canard and wing. As soon as the aircraft is lifted, its canard and wing are retracted into its fuselage to reduce drag as it begins its rocket-powered climb at a near-vertical angle toward its destination.

When an aircraft crash-landed on the ground, the least affected area is the fuselage rooftop. When an aircraft crash-landed in the sea, it may float and its fuselage rooftop may even stay above the water level. During reentry, the fuselage rooftop is also the least heated area.

3. When an aircraft crash-landed in the sea, it may float and its fuselage rooftop may even stay above the water level.

When a space shuttle reentry the Earth atmosphere at an angle, the fuselage rooftop is also the least heated area. WhyHST also perform similar reentry, but with least heating effect because unlike space shuttle that perform such procedure from orbit with very high velocity, this hypersonic aircraft only perform its reentry from a lower suborbital altitude with lower velocity.

4. The fuselage rooftop is the least heated area during reentry of a space shuttle.

Therefore, all the doors including the main cabin door and pilots cockpit door of WhyHST are located on the fuselage rooftop along its centerline. There is also an emergency cabin door between the 2 doors, and 2 more emergency exit doors on both sides of the rearmost seat row. The position of these doors increases the survival rate of the passengers in case of crash-landing on the ground or in the sea.

5. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully retracted: This is the configuration during the near-vertical rocket-powered climb.

6. Side view (top) & rear view (below) of WhyHST with their wing and canard fully extended: This is the configuration during horizontal take off & landing.

WhyHST can carry 100 passengers and 4 crews in a very comfortable seating inside its cabin excluding 2 pilots in a separated cabin, as the area between the 2 cabins is used for the storage of the retracted canard, rocket control system at upper deck and front landing gear at lower deck. The twin rocket engines are housed inside the rear end of both fuselages, and their propellant is housed in the storage between the passengers cabin and the 5 turbofans, which is also where the retracted wing is (the wing is sandwiched between the propellant tanks). 

7. Top view of WhyHST with its wing and canard fully retracted: The seats, canard, wing and rocket engines are made visible.

WhyHST climbs until its rocket propellant is depleted at 160km from sea level, but the momentum carries it to an apogee of 200km when the momentum and gravity is at an equilibrium. When reaching this apogee, all the passengers and crews are automatically entitled the "astronaut wings" because they reach space as defined by the 100km altitude, besides experiencing several minutes of microgravity. At this apogee too, the passengers will be able to clearly view the curvature of Earth with black space background. 

8. Bottom view of WhyHST: MATSABU is made visible.

Due to the gravity exceeding the momentum after apogee at the end of the microgravity period, WhyHST executes an "unpowered" reentry. From the start of the near-vertical rocket-powered climb until the end of reentry, the HST is in the hypersonic flight region (with a velocity of > Mach 5.0). During the initial reentry phase however, the HST is not totally unpowered, but its trajectory is maintained by the activation of MATSABU: Medium Altitude Trajectory Suborbital Auxiliary Booster Unit (auxiliary rocket to maintain reentry altitudes between 150km & 50km over a horizontal distance) to ensure it lands at a predetermined destination.

9. WhyHST typical 10,000km point-to-point suborbital flight profile.

WhyHST only ignites its turbofans when reaches 20km from sea level, and descends under the turbofan power supersonically until it reaches a subsonic velocity for conventional horizontal landing. Such flight profile will be able to allow the HST to reach a destination of 10,000km away in 2 hours.

As WhyHST lands conventional under turbofan power, it can land at an airport. However, rocket-powered take off may not be allowed at conventional airport (unless the airport is upgraded to a spaceport for rocket-powered take off), therefore to enable WhyHST to operate from an airport, it can be air-launched from a turbofan powered platform.

If the cabin size of WhyHST is reduced, carrying fewer number of passengers, and the propellant tanks for the rockets are added carrying more propellant for the rockets, WhyHST may reach higher altitude with greater momentum. This will allow the hypersonic aircraft to reach a further destination. And if the destination of 20,000km can be reached, WhyHST can perform an equatorial point-to-point suborbital flight from South East Asia to the Caribbean, maybe from Spaceport Malaysia to Spaceport Puerto Rico and vice versa.

10. An equatorial point-to-point suborbital flight profile from South East Asia to the Caribbean. 

Having the twin rockets at its sides rather than on its centerline enables WhyHST to be power-launched from above the fuselage of a single fin large universal carriers such as Airbus A380 or Boeing &747. Air launch, however will not affect the distance and flight time of the HST.

11. Illustration of WhyHST on top of Boeing 747: Notice the significantly separated WhyHST rockets that enable power-launch from the single-fin 747.

Of course the best carrier plane for WhyHST is Why1000 (see Why1000) because a Why1000 can carry a WhyHST inside its fuselage and safely drop-launch WhyHST. This point-to-point suborbital transportation system is described in a following chapter, "Why1000 & WhyHST Point-to-Point Suborbital Transportation System". 


1. The background in figure 1 is from a public website.
2. Figure 3 is from a public website.
3. Figure 4 is from a public website.
4. Figure 10 is from a public website.
4. The Boeing 747 outline drawing in figure 11 is from a public website.

Chapter 8: WhySST (Super Sonic Transporter)

Chapter 10: No 335 CLT (Center Line Thrust) Light Aircraft
