Saturday, May 18, 2019

Chapter 14: WhyCLT1 4-Passenger Y-Fuselage Light CLT Aeroplane

1. Illustration of WhyCLT1 flying above Putra Mosque, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

WhyCLT1 is the smallest concept of Y-fuselage aircraft. It is of CLT (centerline thrust) configuration, and carries 4 passengers, 2 each in tandem within each node connecting the fuselages, and a pilot conventionally within the front fuselage.

2. Top view of WhyCLT1.

The passengers seat at 45 degrees to the centerline of the aeroplane as the nodes are at 45 degrees to the centerline. Each passenger seats inside a same universal cockpit with individual canopy.

3. Side view of WhyCLT1.

4. Front view (top) & rear view (bottom) of WhyCLT1.

5. Bottom view of WhyCLT1.

As all the 3 fuselages have the same design and volume, each fuselage accommodates the same landing gear. This maximizes universality of components and results in lower cost and simpler construction and operation.

6. Top view of WhyCLT1 with its propulsion system made visible.

WhyCLT1 is powered by twin engines in CLT onfiguration, rotating a contra-rotating propeller. The shaft of the front engine rotate within the shaft of the rear engine, each rotate contra-directional to each other, providing perfect torque cancellation, minimizing vibration and increasing flight stability. This configuration of positioning the rear engine immediately in series with the front engine also further increase the flight stability because their masses are lumped together instead of separated as in conventional configuration. Positioning both engines at the center between the front end and rear end of the aeroplane also maximize the aircraft stability during flight, take-off and landing.

Chapter 13: LOVEFifty Heart-Icon Wing Inverted Y-Fuselage Tricopter
